Hasan in the Hospital
Dimensions: 26cmX22cm (LxW)
Weight: 153g
About Product
Hasan has to go to the hospital to get his tonsils removed, so he describes from the little child’s point of view everything that scares him. However, once he begins the procedure, he discovers that there wasn’t a real cause for panic, and that all he had to do is to take once moment to face his fear, everything else that followed went smoothly. A comedic storytelling method is utilized to encourage children to face their fears and overcome similar situations
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- A story that talks about Hassan entering the hospital to have his tonsils removed, and describes the feelings of fear he experiences from the injection and the operation, but after starting the procedures, he discovers that there is no cause for panic. This story, written in a funny comic style, aims to encourage the child to overcome his fear of undergoing the operation and entering the hospital.
Product Code: 9789957682125
on 2024-05-03
A useful and innovative product, highly recommended for hospital stays.
on 2022-04-11
أحسن قرار اشتريته، يساعدني على قضاء الوقت في المستشفى بشكل مريح.
on 2021-10-06
منتج رائع بجودة عالية وسعر مناسب، أنصح بشرائه بشدة.
on 2020-10-07
سهل الاستخدام ويوفر راحة كبيرة، تجربة رائعة في المستشفى.
on 2020-06-16
كل ما تحتاجه في المستشفى متوفر في هذا المنتج، شكرًا للمبدعين.
on 2019-12-07
تصميم عصري ومريح، يجعل إقامتك في المستشفى أكثر متعة.
on 2019-10-19
Good quality product, comfortable and practical in hospital settings.