Beesline Propolis Facial Wash, 250 Ml
About Product
- Beesline facial whitening wash gives a glow to your skin that lasts for a long time.
- This Beesline facial wash will give your skin a healthy look.
- Obtain clear and radiant looking skin with the Beesline Facial Whitening Wash.
Read full description
- This facial wash is rich in vegetal whitening polyphenols and fruit acids and gives the desired nutrients to the skin for a healthy and smooth look.
- Simply wash your face with this whitening wash before stepping out of the house and be ready to receive many compliments wherever you go.
- This facial wash cleans the deep-seated dirt from your skin and gives it a clean look.
- It is suitable for combination and oily skin types.
- It comes in a 250ml bottle.
Product Code: 5281018004050
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