School Zone - Subtraction 0-12 Flash Cards
الأبعاد: 1inX3.50inX6.50in (طولxعرضxارتفاع)
الوزن: 6.40oz
اقرأي الوصف كامل
AMAZING - Subtraction flash cards are pretty cool, because they help equip your child for school! Make subtraction synonymous with fun. These Subtraction 0-12 Flash Cards contain 91 problems ranging from 0-0 to 12-12. At the top of each card is a small-print answer to the problem on the reverse side of the card. This set is perfect for home or school and is intended for children ages 6 and above. Do speed drills, play games, change it up!
FLASHCARDS - Kids and parents who use our flashcards for practice testing are using one of the most effective learning techniques available. A hundred years of research shows practice testing is highly likely to boost retention. Learning skills through gameplay is an excellent strategy for many reasons. They are fun and motivating, and games also tend to help students deepen their understanding and reasoning. Because games feel more like play than work, they can encourage kids to explore and experiment with concepts more freely and can reduce the stress of viewing schoolwork as nothing more than problems.
رقم الموديل : 9780938256922
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