School Zone - بطاقات ألغاز أرقام وألوان وأشكال
الأبعاد: 23mmX259mmX141mm (طولxعرضxارتفاع)
الوزن: 558g
اقرأي الوصف كامل
AMAZING - Introduce your child to the world of numbers, colors, and shapes with these playful puzzle cards. Put three cards in order to complete each puzzle and read the simple sentence. There are 18 full-color puzzles that will have your little one counting numbers, identifying colors, and recognizing animal pictures and names, like eighteen black ants. Flip the cards over for 18 more puzzles, this time revealing a short sentence with a number, adjective, and shape - seventeen shy diamonds. Have fun reading these silly puzzles with your child today! These flashcards are perfect for home or school and are intended for children ages 4 and above.
FLASHCARDS - Kids and parents who use our flashcards for practice testing are using one of the most effective learning techniques available. A hundred years of research shows practice testing is highly likely to boost retention. Learning skills through gameplay is an excellent strategy for many reasons. They are fun and motivating, and games also tend to help children deepen their understanding and reasoning. Because games feel more like play than work, they can encourage kids to explore and experiment with concepts more freely.
رقم الموديل : 9780887432781
في 2024-04-19
The School Zone cards are perfect for engaging young learners in educational activities. Highly recommend!
في 2023-09-20
مفيد جداً لتعليم الأطفال الأشكال والألوان، ويساعدهم على تحسين مهاراتهم الذهنية.
في 2022-09-26
لقد ساعد هذا الكتاب الورقي أطفالي على تعلم الأرقام والألوان بطريقة ممتعة وتفاعلية.
في 2022-05-11
هذه البطاقات ممتعة وتجذب اهتمام الأطفال بالألوان والأشكال بشكل لعبة تعليمية.
في 2021-07-05
كتيب بطاقات الألوان والأشكال مثالي للأطفال الصغار لتنمية مهاراتهم التعليمية.
في 2020-04-26
My kids love these puzzle cards! Great for learning numbers, colors, and shapes in a fun way.
في 2019-12-14
منتج رائع ومفيد لتعليم الأطفال الأرقام والأشكال بطريقة مبسطة ومسلية.